
Central Asia – Nowruz

Central Asia – Nowruz Central Asia is an amazing region of the world where travelers can experience the fusion of different cultures and traditions. Each Central Asian country has distinct national celebrations as well as common festivals. One of such important festivals or spring celebration holidays is called Nowruz/Nooruz/Nauruz. so What is Nowruz? Nowruz is an […]

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Central Asia in World Museums

Central Asia in World Museums The cultural and historical heritage of Central Asia is displayed in different museums around the world. Here we list some of the museums that provide online access to the Central Asian objects, as well as a list of museums in Central Asia. The State Hermitage Museum The Hermitage in St. […]

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Central Asian Cuisine & Food

Introduction to Central Asian Cuisine Food plays a pivotal role in any travel experience, prompting a mix of excitement and curiosity about the diverse flavors one might encounter. As you gear up for a journey through Central Asia, our compiled food guide aims to provide a clear picture of what awaits you. Delving into Central […]

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Languages in Central Asia

Languages in Central Asia Kazakh? Kyrgyz? Tajik? Turkmen? Uzbek? Languages in Central Asia all sound very exotic and most people have difficulties to classify them. Knowing the national languages or a few words opens many doors for travelers. Often it’s enough being able to say hello and thank you to put a smile on the […]

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