Heading out of the Tajik capital this morning, we’ll drive through the Varzob gorge – weekend getaway for locals from Dushanbe. Moving on, we climb steadily from the foothills into the Fann Mountains. These picturesque peaks form part of the lofty Zarafshan ridge. As passengers, you will be able to gaze uninterrupted at their beauty while someone else takes care of the driving, allowing your mind to wander and the stress of your regular life to fall away like the valley slopes by the side of the road.
After 2-3 hours, at Takfon village, we drive off the main road towards Yagnob valley. After one more hour of a bumpy ride we reach the village of Marghib, where we stop for lunch at a local family’s guesthouse. This place, lost in time, is one of the most photogenic villages in Tajikistan and you can enjoy uninterrupted views of the sheer rock face of Zamin Karor.
In the afternoon, we drive further to enter soon the Yagnob gorge, named after the Yagnob river. From the gorge we cannot continue by car and will hike the last 3km to the village of Pskan. We will stay for overnight in a very simple guesthouse in Pskan, and get familiar with the lifestyle of the Yagnobis – direct descendants of the Sogdians from the time of Alexander the Great. Still today the Yagnobis speak Sogdian language.
Please note: Toilet at Pskan is a pit latrine and there is no shower available.